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Water From Leaves

water from leaves
When in a survival situation, water will of course be of utmost concern. The following is just one way to get water when there appears to be no water supply available.

As long as there is green vegetation then there is water available to you. This method has some advantages and disadvantages. One big advantage is that it is passive. You don't have to do anything actively to get the water. Just let nature take its course.

As we all know everything has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of this method are the requirement for sealed containers like a water bottle for example. And it doesn't stop there. Another big disadvantage is the process is slow.

Hopefully this isn't your only source of water. This method is good to help bridge the gap when you are on the go or otherwise too busy to stop and work for some good clean drinking water.

Enough of that! So, how does this work? It is simple really. All you need to do is stuff fresh picked leaves into a seal-able container such as a plastic water bottle. It doesn't need to be plastic. It just needs to be something that you can seal up.

Once you have your leaves in the sealed bottle the leaves will continue to do what leaves do best. Transpire. Water will be lost by the leaves into the air. Over time the humidity will rise and the water will begin to condense on the inside of the container.

Voila, 100% clean drinking water. I admit the water will not taste all that great as it will have a strong leafy taste to it. But when the alternative is to have no drinking water or unsafe drinking water and a bit of a leafy taste will be a small price to pay.

Tip: When picking leaves to put in the container pick the most succulent vegetation available. Pick the leaves you would most like to have in a salad. Avoid thick waxy leaves like in a Magnolia tree's leaves.

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