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Water From Coconuts

coconuts for water
Everyone is probably familiar with the coconut. It is one of the most universally know trees, it is associated with tropical beaches world-wide. You might know that a coconut is a great source of water for those marooned on a small island. All true. Let's get into the details.

Is a coconut from a tree or a palm? It is a palm, but let's not quibble over that as some consider palms as a subgroup of tree. There or many species of palms, but only one produces coconuts. Coconuts come a palm with the scientific name of Cocos nucifera. Again, some will argue that point because there are a number of different varieties of coconut trees.

Cocunuts are found in both tropical and subtropic climates are found world-wide. They are associated with beaches and are well suited for the sandy soils that occur there.

The coconuts unique fruits and structure make allow them to out compete other vegetation in these particular habitats and become the dominate species forming huge stands, to the delight of those that are shipwrecked on otherwise desolate beaches.

The coconut is technicall not really a nut, but rather a drupe.

So, back to the water. Coconuts take about 6 months to mature. During those six or so months the coconut undergoes changes. A young coconuts is green and then will turn to the familiar brown as it matures. While both the young and older coconuts both produce a drinkable liquid the two liquids are not the same. The younger coconuts are filled with basically water. The older coconuts contain more fats are more milky in color and are sold as coconut milk.

Be careful when drinking coconut milk because although it provides more than just water for you, drinking too much coconut milk can actually kill you due to high levels of saturated fats. I want say that if you are living off the land you should probably not worry so much about eating to many fats as they will likely be found in much less of your diet if you are eating a modern diet. So don't cut the mature coconuts out completely, just don't use them exclusively.

In case you don't know already coconuts are hollow inside and that hollow is filled with water. To get access to that water is a simple matter, if you have some tools. Getting at the water can be an huge energy sapping endeavor if you do not have items such as a machete or knife.

Method One:
A coconut has three eyes which resemble a bowling ball, called eyes. Two are easy to get through the third is much more difficult. Use a corkscrew to screw through two of the eyes. Then you can simply pour out the water within into you mouth or a container.

All coconuts have a seam that runs between the eyes of the coconut. Take a large rock or hammer and repeatedly hit this seem. Hit all along the seam, not just in one spot. After a few hits you should see the coconut begin to crack along this seam. Do your best to not spill the water as you finish splitting the coconut in two.

Machette method is probably the best method. Use a machette to hack off one end of the coconut. Voila, you now have access to the coconut water or milk and it is already in its own glass.

Sharp stick method. Instead of trying to stab the coconut with the stick, instead bury the stick in the ground with the sharpened end pointing up ready to impale. Then grasp the coconut and try to repeatedly drive the coconut down on the point of the stick. It isn't as easy as it sounds but it works.

Use a knife. Simply whittle out a hole in the coconut with a knife. Pour into a container or drink straight from the coconut.

Great you now have lots of drinkable water. The coconut has lots of other uses which we will cover elsewhere on this website.

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