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Remove Rust On Tools With Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
A tool can be a lifesaver in a survival situation. Living constantly in the woods and waters inevitably leads you metal tools to develop rust.

Rust needs to be addressed as soon as possible as it seems rust leads to more rust. But what can you do about it when all the hardware stores are closed. Well if you happen to be near the beach in a warm climate area coconuts can come to the rescue.

Apply a layer of coconut oil and leave it on for 1 to 2 hours. Wipe it off and rub the rusted areas to remove as much rust as possible. Repeat the process until all of the rust has been removed.

You make coconut oil from the coconut meat from mature brown coconuts. Open the coconut and remove the meat in a ground up manner. Add water and boil to seperate the oil from the water used to help extract it.

Coconut oil has many uses. Here is a link to a more detailed description of how to extract coconut oil from coconuts. Extract Coconut Oil

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