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Pomegranate Tree A Good Food Provider?

Pomegranates grow well in warm areas and as far north as zones 7 (tolerating temps into the lower teens) producing a fall fruit that is loved by many. Pomegranate trees have little to no disease or insect issues to worry about and that is important in a SHTF time when you are trying to rebuild from scratch.

Pomegranates grow to about 8 feet tall and not quite that wide. Pomegranates prefer a more alkaline soil and will grow just improve the soil with wood ash and other compost as you have it available.

Cut the plant back the first couple of year to prevent the branches from getting to slim and leggy.

Pomegranates do not require a pollinator, so that is good. Thin the pomegranate fruits to one fruit every 6 inches. This thinning promotes larger fruit and prevents limb damage.

Pick the fruit when ripe and do not leave on tree past this point in time. Simply twist the fruit to remove it from the tree.

Plant pomegranate seed in soil after cleaning the fleshy part surrounding them. It is really that simple. The germinate readily and propagation shouldn't be an issue should you choose to increase the number of plants. Plant in full sun. Cover about 1/2 inch deep.

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