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Wood Ash Hand Cleaner

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Back in the distant past we lived a much more precarious life. The disposable lifestyle we enjoy today was not a reality for the common man. You had to make use of whatever you had and wasting resources was not an option. Today we throw away stuff as trash that our ancestors used to their benefit. In a SHTF situation knowing the old ways could help you survive when humanity is dying all around you.

This tidbit of knowledge I am about to share may seem small. And it is! However, like most things in life big things are made of a host of small things. Every bit of knowledge to make your life easier and more bearable is actually pretty huge as it will keep you fit and free up time. And time is a precious commodity when you are doing EVERYTHING for yourself.

We have discussed the process of making soap with wood ash as one of the ingredients. You can read about that here! [Making Soap] But what if you haven't made any soap yet. What if you don't have enough fat for the process, have used it all up or ruined your last batch of soap somehow? Well, all is not lost; you can still clean your hands and your dishes with nothing more than water and wood ashes.

Ash is used to make lye which is used to make soap in solid form. Take out the fat and replace it with you, your own naturally produced oils, and you basically have the same thing as soap, just in liquid form due to the excessive amounts of water.

So in short you can use wood ash as basically a powdered soap. Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a weak ass substitute either. Always rinse your hands and body that you have washed with wood ash thoroughly with clean water. Otherwise, you are going to experience burns from the ash left behind as it reacts with you and starts basically dissolving you.

Sounds scary and it is, but any negative effects are easy to avoid by simply rinsing off completely. And don't forget the dishes! Wood ash is well known, even today, as a great way to clean dishes while camping.
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