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Survival Garden - All About Growing Corn

Corn Smut
Corn Smut! Are you asking yourself if this is similar to corn porn? Scratching you head wondering what in the hell is corn smut. What could it possibly have to do with a garden for survival food. Well, let me tell you I was wondering the same thing the first time I heard about, CORN SMUT!

Well let me clarify. Despite the gross name, corn smut is indeed actually something you can eat and it is considered by many to be absolutely delicious! Too Mexicans it is a delicacy.

Corn Smut refers to Ustilago maydis and is actually a fungus that grows on corn.

Corn smut is a fungus and just like the name implies, it grows on corn. The fungus grows on the actual ear of corn and makes grayish ball like structures begin to encapsulate the entire husked corn. These balls are actually the swollen kernels of the corn.

The corn smut is picked a couple of weeks after the corn shows signs of infection. I am not going to try to explain what they taste like, because well they taste like corn smut. And that isn't a bad thing. If not harvested in time, the balls will harden and be of no use. Picking the corn smut balls too early or too late will lead to disappointment. It isn't hard once you have seen an ear of corn progress though all of the stages. A little trial and error and you will soon be an expert.

Collected when the corn smut is still young moist then use them as you would mushrooms.

If you don't live in Mexico your only chance to taste corn smut will be to grow it yourself. The Aztecs would scratch the base of corn stalk with a soil smeared knife. There is no guarantee as the soil might not cause the infection. Especially in areas that don't typically grow lots of corn.

Some people claim to have negative reactions after eating corn smut, but this is considered inaccurate by scientists who have yet to find a connection.

I purposely left this tidbit for last. Corn Smut is also called Mexican Truffles. Sounds much better, but sick me, likes the name corn smut better.

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