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How To Properly Dress A Bird

The first step on how to properly dress a bird is to pluck the feathers off of the bird. You only need to pluck the parts of the bird that will be eaten, for example the head. If it is to be discarded then you do not need to pluck the head.

Skinning a bird is an alternate method to plucking, which you do will depend on the bird and is your own personal preference. Plucking will give you more to eat than skinning so that is what I will recommend.

Plucking is suitable for all birds and it is as simple as pulling the feathers off of the bird with your hands. There are faster methods and machines for plucking birds but those will not likely be available to you after the SHTF. So grab some feathers and pull!

Next, cut off the head and feet and tail.

Gutting is next. Don't worry it is easy. Reach into the gut and chest cavity. Pull out everything. The gizzard, heart and liver can be separated and saved as they are edible.

To save the liver you will need to remove the bile duct which will look like a green vein, sort of. If the bile duct is cut or damaged it will ruin the liver. So use care. It might be simpler to cut the liver away from the bile duct instead of trying to save 100% of the liver by just removing the bile duct. This way if the bile duct is broken hopefully most of the liver will have already been safely removed.

Guess what! You are finished. Wash the bird and cook it!

If you really want to get everything from the bird you can also eat the tongue, feet, and eyes. I hope it never comes to that!

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