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The Rule of Three

Surviving in the wild ultimately comes down to knowledge. However, knowledge alone is probably secondary to having a will to survive. People that lose hope will surely perish. Survival stories abound about groups of people in survival situations where one person loses hope and dies, yet another person in the exact same situation, fights and fights and survives to tell the story.

Rule of Three
I will not try to minimize this in any way because it is my number one guiding principle when approaching survival. But, let's not forget that there are also countless instances where the people that lose hope die and the people that fight hardest also die. They just aren't around to tell their stories.

So don't fall into the belief that knowledge and skills are not extremely important.

What does this have to do with the Rule of Three? Well maybe nothing but knowledge is key. Knowledge will lead to better decision making, knowledge will keep you from losing hope as easily.

The Rule of Three is just that, simply knowledge. Knowledge to help you accurately assess your situation, which leads to better decisions. Should you stay or should you go? Should I do X first or should I do Y first? These decisions can mean the difference in life or death. Maybe these decision keep you from reversing course on your initial decision and staying firm on your current plan.

When there is doubt, there is worry. When there is doubt, there is indecision. This leads to depression and losing hope. Depression and losing hope, lead to death.

Knowing the Rule of Three is basic knowledge that is most important when you are initially faced with a survival situation. As things progress it should fall by the wayside. But initially, it is key!

The Rule of Three:
A person can survive for:
- 3 minutes without air
- 3 hours without the ability to regulated body temperature
- 3 days without water
- 3 weeks without food
- 3 months without hope

The Rule of Three provides a guideline of how to prioritize basic survival skills: first shelter, then water, and lastly food.

People in a survival situation often put food and water ahead of shelter. Without the proper knowledge, they make the wrong choices. And in a survival situation, wrong choices can lead to death. So make it a point to know the Rule of Three. It is a good first step to learning survival skills.

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