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How To Make Flour From Acorns Easy

This is a continuation on how to make acorns palatable. If you missed the first part check it out here.

Now that you have shelled the acorns and removed their tannin's, let's begin the flour making process. At this stage you will have acorn pieces that have just come out of a pot of warm water.

The first step is to grind the acorn into a fine powder. I prefer to do this after drying off the moisture on the acorns with a towel.

Grinding can be done with a stone on a flat surface or with a mallet, etc.! Lots of grinding techniques are available. Just use whatever you have available. Stones from streams work better than other rocks because they have already been rounded smooth by years of erosion in the stream.

So crush them up into a fine powder. It is perfectly acceptable to add in other nuts such as hickory or pecan to improve the flavor.

Now spread the smashed up acorns out on a cookie sheet and either leave it in the sun on a warm dry day or put it in an oven with very low heat. After the acorn flour has dried, you are ready to use it to make whatever you like with the flour, cookies and bread or two common uses.

You can store the acorn flour in sealed containers and it can last for several months.

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